WORLD’S BEST BOSS is a virtual team builder brought to you by Escape 60, powered by ZOOM. This is a premium interactive experience where you try to plan your bosses birthday! all from the safety and comfort of your own home. You and your team members will play as 1 of 4 key characters, each guest will be sent an electronic book, and use your internet enabled devices (cell phone/computer) to solve puzzles as a group. This is a safe alternative to going out and something fun to do with friends & Family.
Difficulty: Medium
Groups must be Minimum: 4 players
Suggested Group Size: 4 - 8 players
Duration: 60 Minutes
How it works
We will host (Game Master) & guide your team through the whole experience.
We require each guests email before the event.
We email the player content/virtual books to each guest & login information prior to the event for the meeting room (10 minutes before the the start time).
We require the entire group login 10 minutes before game time for pre-game instruction & Rules.
Zoom Video Client (Meeting) software is to be download by each guest, our host will send a meeting link to join the virtual room. (We help the group get this process set prior to game time).
Each guest will need a webcam, speakers, & microphone via phone, tablet, or computer to participate.
Paper and Pencil/Pen required.